She knew before she saw the sweat beaded on Rita's forehead that she had an unwanted guest in her office.

“I am so sorry Ma, I really tried stopping him from going in,”

She knew how violent he could get and nodded knowingly. 

“It is okay, thank you for holding the forte, move my 12pm meeting to 4pm okay?”

Rita nodded anxiously, she wanted to ask if Ivie would be fine all alone but then she held her tongue.


“Good morning Osaze,” Ivie maintained her calm as she dropped her bag on the couch and watched the man in front of her.

The rascal in school looked quite sharp in a tailored suit and a restless demeanour.

“What kind of people do you employ?” He fumed in anger as his dark skin turned a shade darker.

“ What can I help you with,” she silently muttered a prayer, Lord give me strength.

“I reckon that I am the father of our child, and I wanted to try to be present” he snickered as he pulled off, possibly, a mid-lunch piece of gum from in-between his lower tooth and pinned it on her office table.

He had a way of stirring disgust in her and she knew him too well to know he was trying hard to push her buttons.

Finding out that she was having triplets and not one baby as she had thought was an information she knew she was not going to tell him if she could help it.

She calmly sat on the peach love styled couch at the left part of her work space, "One second, please”

He raised his feet and balanced them on her crystal ball designed work table.

“If I understand you clearly, after two years of not showing up, you are now The Father of Our Child? I sincerely do not understand why you are here, whatever needs to be discussed can be taken up with our lawyers, I have work to get to and antenatal appointment later today. Please do see yourself out”.

Of course, Osaze didn't budge, rather he kept his feet planted on her beautifully carved shaped ball-like work table. It indeed looked magnificent.

She is indeed doing very well

He couldn't believe that she went about her work like he wasn't there. 

There was indeed a change in her, he couldn't quite place it but she was . . .peaceful?

He knew he had done too much, why wasn't she breaking down?

Or responding the way he knew she would have.

He thought she would get into a frenzy immediately she had seen him.

He glanced at the woman who sat comfortably on her chair, getting on with her business and realized that something was indeed different about her.


“I believe that you know what you are doing whenever you show up here Sir,”

He stopped abruptly as he felt a certain level of hurt from the voice.

She was polite, but he could feel that it took a level of strength from her not to speak otherwise.

“And you are?”

“You know who I am Sir, and I would appreciate if you would do well to understand that things do not have to remain that way, God’s plan is that we work through differences and come out on the other side triumphantly,”

He stared at the lady and finally noticed a resemblance with the lady who had stared him down few hours ago at Ivie's Office,

“Rita? Right?”

Rita inhaled and muttered a prayer for strength, she really did not want to be speaking to this man at all but she knew the nudging of the HolySpirit clearly.

“Yes Sir, you are soon having a child, or children, and you will then understand just a sheer glimpse of what it is like for God to love us and love us completely, all flaws.”

He rested on his Black Mustang and listened to Rita speak to him. Did she just say or children?

How could she be so calm while he knew she was quite angry.

He didn't understand the different control of emotions he had experienced with Ivie and now Rita, there is indeed something to it.

He watched her as she extended what looked like a pamphlet to him, 

"I would love to invite you for a movie night at my church this Sunday evening “

Osaze was thrown aback, he certainly wasn't expecting her to say ‘movie night'.

He was expecting, perhaps a ‘seven days encounter’ pamphlet, he did well to keep that thought to himself as he took the pamphlet.

“I will not lie to you, I will not come,”

Rita smiled, This man has no idea the God I serve

“No problem Sir, enjoy the rest of your afternoon”.

Once again, he was amused by the calmness even though he could feel the storm raging in her.

These women were indeed remarkable.

He watched her exit back into the company leaving him really intrigued by her response, he had expected some cajoling and scriptures thrown in his face.

Might just come around to see what the movie is all about.

Might just go see where the calmness is derived from.


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