Two Years and Counting.

I'll start with a huge thank you to all my readers and followers.

The feeling is heartwarming and overwhelming.

I'm grateful to as many people who encouraged me, cheered me on, and supported me in diverse ways.

I've faced my own fair share of trials, struggles and learning process and I keep learning on a daily basis.

I'm also grateful to those who tried to make me second guess myself.

I'm grateful to those who laughed and said I was wasting my time.

I'm grateful to those who mocked or ridiculed my steps.

I can't thank just those who were there for me without thanking those who weren't. 

I'm thankful to those who threw blocks.

I'm more than grateful to God for turning those stumbling blocks to stepping stones.

I'm a work in progress and I'm grateful to God for every high and low, every fall and every height attained.

I appreciate the comments, prayers and messages that has been sent for the past two years.

In everything, I give thanks.

I appreciate the ignored posts, the unreplied messages,the replied ones, the ones that were warmly responded to. 

I'm grateful for everything that I am learning, growing through and daily working out.

I'm grateful that I took the step to let God use me in this magnitude.

I'm grateful to God for the times when I wanted to quit and let go due to times when I faltered, but my God saw me through and I'm here giving praise.

Thank you to my readers from different parts of the world, thank you so much. 

Psalm 9:1; I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvellous works.

As it takes a whole body to sprint, so also it takes us as a church to propagate the Kingdom of God.

We are only getting started.


  1. Well done ma. God's Love is Unconditional so He's got your back

  2. It takes fire to make a fine steel. It is our pains that define the greatness in us. It takes courage to stay encouraged. Birds have wings to fly but the eagle possesses that ability to SOUR, and that to me, is greatness.
    May God keep you victorious

  3. Congratulations. May the celebration of the present feat commission you to greater heights!


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