
It's me again.

The lady who drops links and monitors you till you check out what she has to say.

Many times, when we read a post, we normally have these made up replies: "I know these things". 

Oh yeah, I know we do, but how many believers truly act on it.

 This is a year whereby people are 'shaking tables' and revaluing their priorities. 

This is also the year where tons of 'church goers' are going to lengths to 'secure the bag'. 

We all know the amount of news flying around about how people are fortifying their car seats and being detectives towards women undergarments in order to achieve 'greater heights'.

As straightforward as the word of God is.

We still fall prey because we aren't working out our salvation in fear and trembling. 

We're working it out in excuses and shortcuts. 

These things that we earnestly chase after are things that are clearly stated in God's word.

That when we follow after Him, He'll give us these things, scratch that, they'll be added onto us.

God wants us to ride big cars and have fulfilling, enjoyable and good lives.

 Ideas and innovations are all part of His idea for us to partake of His wondrous riches on earth. 

He knows that we want these things, and his plan is to give us all good and perfect gifts. 

All he asks is 'but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you'-Matthew 6:33.

           How hard can it be?
           BELIEVER A: "Very hard, guy."
           BELIEVER B: "The verse is paradoxical."

Like I stated earlier, we are working it out in excuses and shortcuts. 

No one says it'll be easypeasy or a stroll in a park and that's why we have the Holy Spirit; our Comforter, our Guide.  

Many Christians try to live that straightforward sentence without the Helper and end up cutting corners just to stay afloat.

 Vanity comprises of anything we chase after so earnestly without remembering who we are.

A Prince wouldn't chase after peanuts when he knows he has the freelance of having everything and anything.

 So also as Christians, our mentality should be inclined towards knowing that we have the Creator of the whole universe as our Father and walk in that understanding.

Why then chase peanuts? Because we all know the word but we don't act on it. 

No Ferrari neither Bugatti will follow you to either the grave or before your Father on the day when you're called to account for the life that was given to you. 

The houses and material possessions that you lost your identity in Christ for and denied Christ for, and even cut corners for won't even shift when you are ten feet under. 

We need to understand that as ambassadors of Christ.

 We have it all, all that pertains to life and godliness, all that's remaining, just like Pastor Kolade would say, is getting up and cashing that cheque.

Many Christians know that they've got the money (word) in their accounts(spirit), but they give excuses and chase after peanuts(vanities) tirelessly, working to get what if only they would just cash from their accounts would buy much more and triple the things that they so earnestly strive for.



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