
Definition: cheerful and friendly in atmosphere or character, (sociable).

We, humans, tend to judge (conclude) on a person based on how we 'vibe' with the person.

So if you don't get the 'laughing and wanting to continue the convo' kind of person, then the person doesn't meet to standards (for some persons).

 It differs for different individuals.

The point remains that we, as Christians, are meant to see beyond the mere 'vibe,' and search inward, through the Holy Spirit.

You ask a lady why she's dating Mr A and she gives you the reply 'because he makes me laugh'.

He should make you laugh, quite alright, but that shouldn't be the basis or foundation of your relationship with an individual.

 We need the Holy Spirit to help us discern the right route to take.

The devil obviously got comfortable with Eve before luring her into sin which caused man's downfall. 

We, as Christians, should look beyond the appearance and seek God's face. 

There's always a smile before the 'HAD I KNOWN'. 

Prov 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He'll direct your path." 

Never be fooled into believing 'a smile' or 'vibe'.

Be in sync with the word of God in order not to be in sin with the world.



  1. Lol... Very true. He/she makes you laugh. The day he makes you cry it's over.may God give us the spirit to always look beyond what we see.. Thanks for this write up..

  2. Such a beautiful write up! Thank you for this


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