How many times have we said, "not yet"?

"Not yet, I need more time, maybe a year...or two? Or three".

1Peter 4:10-11;

10) 'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 

11) If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.

"Bisi, when would you finally sign up for that show"

 "on? I don't know, not yet sha"...

This little analogy has happened to a bunch of us, if not all.

 I've been a perpetual victim of 'NOT YET'.

'NOT YET' doesn't make us excel or move forward in anything.

 We become stale, stagnant and guess what happens to stagnant water?

Nothing new flows in and the water smells (unprofitable, not useful). 

We feel that being behind the scenes gives us the chance to 'know' how things are done, but that's a BIG LIE. 

It's our tactic for not taking a step forward.

 Nothing good comes without a step.

We need to take a step and show forth all that God has embedded inside of us.

Fear only kills our God-given talents from coming to fruition and we all remember the unprofitable servant (Matt 25:30) in the Bible.

As Generals for God, we are meant to show forth His Kingdom and utilise every potential He has deposited inside of us. 

Quit 'NOT YET' 

 Start with 'I'M READY'


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